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Of all the four-letter words out there, the one that will probably cause you the most pain and anguish is “mold”. We already know how disgusting it is and where it comes from, but how can a tiny spore like mold damage a house? Like, physically? At Modernistic, we’ve repaired thousands of homes from mold damage (called “mold remediation”), and we’ve seen first-hand the destruction that mold wreak inside a home. Here are some of the most common types of mold damage we encounter on a daily basis.
Since drywall is organic and porous, a mold infestation will permeate throughout the material very quickly. It’s possible to salvage drywall if the growth is caught quickly enough, but after about a day it’s usually best to remove and replace mold-affected sections.
Mold will grow best where it can get lots of moisture. With carpet, water will soak down into the padding beneath the jute backing. While you can certainly feel water-saturated padding when you step on it, the carpet itself doesn’t let you see what might be growing beneath. That’s why a professional mitigation crew will peel back your carpet and dry out the padding as soon as possible - that’s where potentially hazardous mold is most likely to be!
Wood is another material that very susceptible to mold damage: joists, hardwood flooring, furniture, etc. Since wood is organic, it provides all the food mold loves to feed on. Depending on the location and severity of the infestation, often the safest option is to remove and replace affected wood materials.
Since you can’t see what’s inside of your ductwork, it’s easy to forget about all the dust and debris that build up; after all, out of sight, out of mind! But the dust and debris are a fantastic food source for mold spores, and with enough moisture and oxygen, they can start growing without you even knowing. Once that happens and your furnace or central air kicks on, mold spores will circulate through your entire home, affecting more than just the inside of your HVAC system! Properly cleaning and disinfecting your entire ductwork system from mold growth requires specialized equipment designed to reach all affected areas, so it’s best to trust an air duct cleaning professional with any mold growth in the HVAC system.
Even if it’s not in your air ducts, mold growing anywhere in your home will affect your indoor air quality. In order to reproduce, mold gives off microscopic mold spores - you can’t see them, but they’re always floating around in the air. Depending on the strain of mold and the severity of the infestation, certain types of spores can cause harmful side effects. These can range from mild allergies to full-blown respiratory illnesses. These are just a few of the ways we’ve seen how mold can damage a house. If you ever suspect mold may be growing in your home, the absolute best thing you can do is deal with it right away. Call a professional mold remediation company before any of the above happens! If you catch it right away, “mold” will be the only four letter word you’ll have to use! Modernistic has been restoring Michigan homes from disasters since 1973! If you are dealing with a mold problem, trust the experts and contact us today.