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When the temperatures dip and the snow piles up, we often find our faces glued to screens and not enjoying quality time together as a family. In the warm days of summer, we can lock our electronics inside while we make memories together outside. In the frigid January wind and snow, not so much! If your youngsters are driving you crazy, don’t let the weather get you down; try some of these winter-approved indoor activities for kids!
When the weather isn't cooperating, make the most of your interior space. There’s no rule that summer fun HAS to be outdoors. Try some of these fun indoor activities for kids (usually reserved for summer!) in the heated comfort of your home: Put down a tarp and fill a kiddy pool with sand - Instant sand box! Put on your swimsuits and head to the bathroom for an indoor water park - Cups, bath crayons, and water guns bring bath time to a new (and way more fun) level. Have a picnic - Who says you need to wait for a sunny day? Pack up your favorite snacks in a basket and lay out a big blanket on your living room floor. Bring along finger sandwiches and a teapot for an extra fancy touch. Build an old fashioned pillow fort - When the kids are longing for their tree house, a table or desk covered with a blanket and filled with cozy pillows and stuffed toys makes for a quick and easy hideaway.
Now that the kids have a place for their fun, they will want some entertainment. This is the perfect time to pull out all of those board games or a deck of cards from the back of the closet. Another great way to spend an hour is to pull up a video online and learn something new! A new magic trick, a new recipe, a new song ; you can learn anything online. These long cold nights are a perfect opportunity to pop some corn and share a favorite movie from your childhood with your kids. Really put that pillow fort to good use, and cuddle up with a good book, or let the pros read a book aloud with an audio book or story podcast. There are kid and family friendly podcasts available for free download!
These cold days and nights are a great time to share some meaningful time together as a family. Being trapped indoors may seem confining, but, with a bit of planning and some of these fun indoor activities for kids, your family can enjoy many bonding experiences while waiting out our Michigan winter. Modernistic has been helping Michigan families cope with the rigors of winter for over 40 years! While we know many ways to keep kids busy when it’s cold outside, we know even more about ways to keep your carpet, upholstery, tile, hardwood, and air ducts clean and ready for family night. YES, even in the winter!