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Breathing Your Way to a Better Day in Plainfield According to the American Lung Association and the EPA, our indoor air can be far more polluted than the air outside. Every breath might fill your lungs with a dangerous mix of asbestos, bacteria, household chemicals, common pesticides, mold, dust mites, VOCs, formaldehyde, or other toxins. […]
Read Article >Limit exposure to ragweed pollen What many of us refer to as “hay fever” is actually a reaction to ragweed pollen. Late August through September and early October are high times for ragweed pollen, which can spread great distances even if there isn’t any near you. Keep an eye on the pollen forecast, and avoid […]
Read Article >Hey Michigan: here are 5 signs your air ducts need to be cleaned With the air turning chill and Fall just around the corner, many of us Michiganders look forward to cozying up indoors in the coming months. But time spent in a home with dirty air ducts can leave you feeling sick and exhausted. […]
Read Article >Have you added air duct cleaning to your back-to-school checklist? School’s starting. That means a lot of new to-dos: you need to buy supplies, work out your new schedule, and finish up any summer assignments. And you want to make sure your home is neat and tidy so that you and your family can start […]
Read Article >Whether you’re vetting our company or have questions in preparation for an upcoming appointment, we’ve got you covered. At Modernistic, we are passionate from our fingertips to our toes about what we do and how we do it. There are no silly questions, ask away!
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