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It’s an important issue from both a residential and occupational standpoint: The Environmental Protection Agency suggests inside air may be up to five times more polluted than the air outdoors. Office environments can be particularly troublesome, as Marilyn Black of UL noted in a 2014 Huffington Post piece: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can arise from […]
Read Article >Ways to Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality Clean regularly and thoroughly Vacuum weekly (more often in high-traffic areas) and make sure your vacuum comes with a HEPA filter. Don’t forget to vacuum upholstery. Dust with a damp cloth to avoid spreading allergens through the air, and don’t neglect hidden or hard-to-reach areas. Dust everything! […]
Read Article >Cleaning Resolutions to Starting the New Year right in 2017. When the ball finally drops, whether you are asleep on the couch or singing Auld Lang Sayne, champagne flute in hand, most of us have made some resolutions. In the past you’ve resolved to eat well, love well, dress well, work well, and play well. […]
Read Article >Cozy, beautiful, and allergen-free If dust and mold trigger your allergies, it can be hard to enjoy the comforts of home in Saugatuck. Fortunately, expert designers know how to curate home decor in a way that keeps allergens at bay—and can still be beautiful and uniquely yours. What causes home allergies? Mold and dust mites […]
Read Article >Whether you’re vetting our company or have questions in preparation for an upcoming appointment, we’ve got you covered. At Modernistic, we are passionate from our fingertips to our toes about what we do and how we do it. There are no silly questions, ask away!
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