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Have you ever noticed the dark lines on your carpeting around the edges of the rooms and underneath doorways? They’re called carpet filtration lines and can be found in many homes, especially in states with colder climates like Michigan. These are unsightly and can be especially difficult to clean, so let’s go through some of the ways to prevent carpet filtration lines.
As warm air rises in your home, particularly when your furnace is running, it carries dust, allergens, and pollutants throughout your home. The warmer air actually heads towards cooler temperatures, bringing it down to the carpet as the air tries to pass through the narrow gaps between the floor and wall or underneath closed doors. In these tight spots, the carpet fibers act as an air filter, gradually collecting the airborne particulates as they go by. The collected pollutants are made up of such tiny particles that they actually bind to the carpeting, slowly building up layer after layer of until there is a visible line.
Sealing the gaps the best you can between the floor and wall will limit the amount of air that can pass through. Removing the baseboard to apply caulk underneath is the best way - tape can also be used. The other way to prevent filtration lines is to have cleaner air. You can remove allergens and other airborne particulates from your home by having your air ducts professionally cleaned. Also make sure to change the furnace filter regularly in between air duct cleanings.
All this information will help prevent carpet filtration lines but what do you do if they’re already there? They can be extremely difficult to remove on your own, so having your carpet professionally cleaned is the best method to get rid of carpet filtration lines. A trained technician, using the power of a truck-mounted steam extraction system, will know the most effective treatments to get those unsightly lines out. Having the technician apply 3M Scotchgard carpet protection after the cleaning will also provide another layer of defense to your carpet fibers. Modernistic has been helping Michigan homes get rid of carpet filtration lines for over 45 years. If you’re struggling with unseemly lines along your walls and doorways, give us a call!