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Pet accidents, food spills, dirty feet, you name it; there are a multitude of bad odors that can leave your carpet smelling less than pleasant. Regular vacuuming sometimes isn’t enough to keep the odors at bay, and there comes a time in every carpet’s life that requires some odor intervention! Luckily, there are many different levels of carpet deodorization available to handle all your smelly carpet needs.
The most basic deodorizing option is topical. This is when a carpet cleaning technician applies a spray on deodorizer post-cleaning. These commercial products, in addition to smelling nice, actually break down odor-causing molecules. This works great for odors that weren’t caused by a large amount of liquid.
The next level of deodorization is submersion. This is ideal for carpeting when you know the issue is coming from a specific spot (ex: a pet continues to use the restroom in same area). The technician will essentially flood the area with the deodorizer and then extract it back out. This allows the cleaning technician to pull the odor out from the padding underneath the carpet. In tandem with this is the injection method of deodorizer for upholstery. The technician will inject deodorizer right into the affected area of the furniture and then pull it back out with their cleaning tool.
If the odor issues in your home have gone into the pad but aren’t contained to just one or a few areas, it might be the time to consider pad replacement. A flooring technician can pull the carpeting back, replace the pad underneath with brand new padding, and then lay the carpeting back down. Finally give the carpet a professional cleaning and the room can be good as new! When you are replacing the pad, upon removal inspect the floor underneath. If the moisture was prevalent enough it could have damaged the flooring itself. This can cause further odor issues and weaken the flooring. If this is the case this would be the best time to replace the flooring.
The treatments listed above work great for odors that are on your carpet or upholstery but what about if the smell is coming from the entire room? Removing the smell of smoke from a fire or decades of smoking is an example where cleaning the carpeting might not be enough. There are two more treatments that Modernistic offers to help in these more serious circumstances, the first of which is fogging. This is a machine that would be set up in the affected area that continuously spreads the deodorizer throughout the room, making sure every surface in the room is reached. This type of odor intervention is almost always overkill for odors found only in the carpeting.
If even this isn’t enough it might be time to literally change the molecules in the air. Setting up an ozone machine is the most drastic odor intervention available, and is by far the most dangerous. An ozone machine removes the odor from the air by electrifying the oxygen molecules to add another carbon molecule. Due to this process no one can be in the area for the 24-48 hours that the machine needs to run. Ozone is usually reserved for the worst and hardest-to-remove odors, like smoke and cigarette smells.
Discovering how severe the odor in your home is key to deciding what step of deodorization is needed, and the cleaning professionals at Modernistic would be glad to evaluate the issues for you. No matter what kind (or severity) of odor you have, you have options on how to get rid of unwanted carpet smells. Rather than replacing an entire room of carpet just because of a pesky carpet odor, trust Modernistic and the different levels of carpet deodorization we offer. We know you’ll love the outcome!