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Winter is coming! Our warm summer temperatures are dropping, and we can confidently say that fall is on the way here in Michigan. Ok, confidently might be a strong word; we all know what Michigan weather is like! Nevertheless, it’s time to start thinking about our furnaces! We’ll be turning them on in short order (if you haven’t already), and it pays to have your HVAC system running as efficiently as possible. Here are 5 Simple & Quick ways to get your HVAC system ready for winter:
Before making any changes to your heating and cooling system, have a professional give your home a thorough HVAC inspection. That way, you can find out exactly what your system needs to perform its best. Personalized attention from a professional is always the best way to go, but chances are your home could benefit from the rest of these tips!
One of the best things you can do for your ventilation system is changing the air filter every 3 months! Capturing and removing all the dust, allergens, and other tiny particles is a great way to keep that unwanted junk out of your ductwork and out of your home’s air. Depending on various factors, like whether or not you have pets or if you are susceptible to allergies, you may want to change your air filter even more frequently.
A great way to make sure the warm air circulating in your home actually stays in your home is to make sure your attic has proper insulation. If you haven’t checked it recently, head up there and see what’s going on. An easy way to tell if you need more insulation is if you can see the ceiling joists. Proper coverage will obscure the joists, making sure you don’t lose any more heat than you have to this winter!
If you don’t have one already, go out and buy a programmable thermostat! Also, learn how to use it! There are many times throughout the day where your furnace doesn’t need to put out as much heat, and a programmable thermostat will help give your system a “rest” and keep it heating your home efficiently.
Dirty or blocked air ducts will significantly drain your furnace efficiency! In order to heat your home effectively, warm air has to travel through many lengths of ductwork. If that ductwork is filled with soil, debris, dander, dust, and other conductive material, then guess what you’re paying extra for your furnace to heat up? Clogged ductwork will eat up your warm air before it even reaches the rooms you want it to, which is why it’s imperative to make sure your ductwork is clean prior to turning on your furnace for the winter. A thorough air duct cleaning from a professional with a truck-mounted vacuum system will increase your furnace efficiency by as much as 20-25%! These are some easy ways to get your HVAC system ready for winter that you can do in a weekend. Just a little bit of preparation now will help you save money on your heating bills and help your furnace run more efficiently; it’s Simple & Quick! Modernistic has been helping Michigan homes get their HVAC systems ready for the last 45 winters and counting! Call or click if you need the most thorough air duct cleaning in Michigan to help your furnace this winter.